Emmons, Peter H.

Concrete repair and maintenance illustrated: Problem analysis, repair strategy, techniques / Peter H. Emmons; illustrated by Brandon W. Emmons. - Kingston, MA (USA): R.S. Means Co., 1993 - xviii, 295 p.: il.; 29 cm.

Incluye bibliografía e indices

Part One: Concrete Behavior.
Section 1: Introduction to Embedded Metal Corrosion.

Section 2: Disintegration Mechanisms.

Section 3: Moisture Effects.

Section 4: Thermal Effects.

Section 5: Load Effects.

Section 6: Faulty Workmanship: Designer, Detailer, Contractor.

Part Two: Concrete Evaluation.


Section 1: Service and Exposure Conditions.

Section 2: Visual and Exploratory Investigation.

Section 3: Locating Delaminated Concrete: Acoustical Emission Methods.

Section 4: Corrosion Activity Measurements.

Section 5: Chloride Contents.

Section 6: Depth of Carbonation.

Section 7: Petrographic Analysis.

Section 8: Locating Voids, Cracks, Honeycomb: Impact Echo Method.

Section 9: Locating Voids, Cracks, Honeycomb: Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Methods

Section 10: Locating Voids, Cracks, Honeycomb: Remote Viewing Inside Structure.

Section 11: Locating Embedded Reinforcing Steel.

Section 12: Monitoring Movements.

Section 13: Bond Strength of Overlays and Coatings: Pull-off Testing.

Section 14: In Situ Compressive Strength: Rebound and Penetration Methods.

Part Three: Surface Repair.


Section 1: Analysis, Strategy & Design.

Section 2: Material Requirements.

Section 3: Material Selection.

Section 4: Surface Preparation.

Section 5: Reinforcing Steel Cleaning, Repair & Protection.

Section 6: Bonding Repair Materials to Existing Concrete.

Section 7: Placement Methods.

Part Four: Strengthening and Stabilization.

Introduction to Part Four.

Section 1: Techniques/Design Considerations.

Section 2: Beam Shear Capacity Strengthening.

Section 3: Shear Transfer Strengthening Between Members.

Section 4: Stress Reduction Techniques.

Section 5: Column Strengthening.

Section 6: Flexural Strengthening.

Section 7: Connection Stabilization and Strengthening.

Section 8: Crack Stabilization.

Part Five: Protection.

Introduction to Part Five.

Section 1: Strategies.

Section 2: Methods.



A partir de los garajes de estacionamiento a carreteras y puentes, de hormigón estructural, este libro completo describe las causas, los efectos y remedios para el desgaste del hormigón y el fracaso. Cientos de ilustraciones claras mostrar a los usuarios cómo analizar, reparar, limpiar y mantener las estructuras de hormigón para un rendimiento óptimo y la rentabilidad. Este libro es una valiosa referencia para la planificación de los trabajos, la selección de materiales, y la formación de los empleados. Con la información organizada en unidades de todo incluido para una fácil referencia, este libro es ideal para los especialistas de hormigón, contratistas generales, administradores de instalaciones, ingenieros civiles y estructurales, y arquitectos.


